
Cappella Pieri Nerli



The chapel Pierli Nerli is in Quinciano, in the Commune of Monteroni d’Arbia. It was erected by order of the Count Ferdinando Pierli Nerli, who assigned the project to Giulio Rossi; when he died, it was finished in 1861 by Giuseppe Partini. It is a sort of anthology of the sienese purist culture of the second half of the XIX century. The building, with a rectangular plant, external face in bricks, is covered by a cross vault; the entrance portal is preceded by a narthex with pinnacle. The inside is illuminated by four circular eyes. The most important grave is that dedicated to the father of the client, made by Sarrocchi and it represents the “Desolation consoled by the Faith”. In the ceiling of the vaults, Cesare Maccari frescoed the “Four Evangelists” on the walls; Alessandro Franchi painted the “Four cardinal virtues”.The chapel Pierli Nerli is in Quinciano, in the Commune of Monteroni d’Arbia. It was erected by order of the Count Ferdinando Pierli Nerli, who assigned the project to Giulio Rossi; when he died, it was finished in 1861 by Giuseppe Partini. It is a sort of anthology of the sienese purist culture of the second half of the XIX century. The building, with a rectangular plant, external face in bricks, is covered by a cross vault; the entrance portal is preceded by a narthex with pinnacle. The inside is illuminated by four circular eyes. The most important grave is that dedicated to the father of the client, made by Sarrocchi and it represents the “Desolation consoled by the Faith”. In the ceiling of the vaults, Cesare Maccari frescoed the “Four Evangelists” on the walls; Alessandro Franchi painted the “Four cardinal virtues”.
