
MACELLERIA ROI di Alina Amelchenko


MACELLERIA ROI di Alina Amelchenko
53041 ASCIANO, Corso Matteotti, 14

Telefono 349 5184635
Orario: 9 - 13 e 16,30 - 19,30
Chiuso: Domenica e Mercoledì pomeriggio

Traditional butcher shop, delicatessen and poultry shop, located on the main street of the old town.

His particular expertise covers the typical Tuscan salami, which has a diverse assortment.

There you will also find products of food already prepared, like: pork liver, etc. rostbeaf crust.

The service is kindly provided by Roi and Alina, two nice and affable people always ready to provide appropriate advice for your purchases.

Traditional butcher shop, delicatessen and poultry shop, located on the main street of the old town.

His particular expertise covers the typical Tuscan salami, which has a diverse assortment.

There you will also find products of food already prepared, like: pork liver, etc. rostbeaf crust.

The service is kindly provided by Roi and Alina, two nice and affable people always ready to provide appropriate advice for your purchases.
