
Studio Tecnico Geometra CROSTI SIMONE


Studio Tecnico Geometra CROSTI SIMONE
53041 Asciano, via A. Cervi, 5

Telefono 328 2133087
Orario: Riceve solo su appuntamento

Simone Crosti is a bright young professional, enrolled Provincial Surveyors from July 25, 2002 with the number 1149.

Its attivity, practiced with gentleness and seriousness, ranging from design certifications, ensuring support services and integrated care.

In particular, the professional services offered are: ITALY
Civil design for renovations and new construction
Works Management
Planning and organizing temporary events
(marquees, gazebos, tribunes, boxes etc.)
Planimetric and topographic
Metric calculations and accounting
Safety Coordination
Land registry
Technical consulting and private companies
Supervision of construction
Property valuations
Drafting tables thousandths condominiums
Rendering Photography - 3D modeling

P.I. 01077200523

Electronic contact details: ITALY
PEC: simone.crosti@geopec.itSimone Crosti is a bright young professional, enrolled Provincial Surveyors from July 25, 2002 with the number 1149.

Its attivity, practiced with gentleness and seriousness, ranging from design certifications, ensuring support services and integrated care.

In particular, the professional services offered are: ITALY
Civil design for renovations and new construction
Works Management
Planning and organizing temporary events
(marquees, gazebos, tribunes, boxes etc.)
Planimetric and topographic
Metric calculations and accounting
Safety Coordination
Land registry
Technical consulting and private companies
Supervision of construction
Property valuations
Drafting tables thousandths condominiums
Rendering Photography - 3D modeling

P.I. 01077200523

Electronic contact details: ITALY
