
2MA s.r.l.


2MA s.r.l.
53041 Asciano, via Martiri della Libertà, 62

Telefono 0577 718370
Fax 0577 719489

Born in 1972 taking care for more livestock and industrial structures ... but the passions grow, and we, along with them. This is why over time we have expanded our horizons by extending our activities to civilian facilities and furniture with the help of designers and technical studies, up to the realization of sculptural structures commissioned and designed by artists including Staccioli, master in bronze work.

The founders of 2MA distinguished themselves always recognized for the passion of their work, you know, once iron working was an art, handed down in our company from generation to generation. Today we stand for professionalism, for on-time delivery and the respect of the commitments made with customers; staff efficiency, carefully selected, guarantees the highest product quality and variety of work environments has also enabled the company to continue to grow.

All this by placing a priority the absolute internal security and construction, carried out in parallel to the flexibility in solving all design issues. Tuscany is our main area of ​​intervention, even if our structures and works can be counted on throughout the country and some foreign countries such as Tunisia and Venezuela.

Not only is the field of civil and industrial structures, but also works of street furniture and sculptures, this is now possible to having handed down the knowledge of the fathers of the children the desire to innovate.Born in 1972 taking care for more livestock and industrial structures ... but the passions grow, and we, along with them. This is why over time we have expanded our horizons by extending our activities to civilian facilities and furniture with the help of designers and technical studies, up to the realization of sculptural structures commissioned and designed by artists including Staccioli, master in bronze work.

The founders of 2MA distinguished themselves always recognized for the passion of their work, you know, once iron working was an art, handed down in our company from generation to generation. Today we stand for professionalism, for on-time delivery and the respect of the commitments made with customers; staff efficiency, carefully selected, guarantees the highest product quality and variety of work environments has also enabled the company to continue to grow.

All this by placing a priority the absolute internal security and construction, carried out in parallel to the flexibility in solving all design issues. Tuscany is our main area of ​​intervention, even if our structures and works can be counted on throughout the country and some foreign countries such as Tunisia and Venezuela.

Not only is the field of civil and industrial structures, but also works of street furniture and sculptures, this is now possible to having handed down the knowledge of the fathers of the children the desire to innovate.
