
LA BOTTEGHINA - Vendita e degustazione Prodotti Tipici


LA BOTTEGHINA - Vendita e degustazione Prodotti Tipici
53041 ASCIANO Corso Matteotti, 56

Telefono 0577 718175
Cellulare: 333 2510449
Orario: 9,30 - 22,30 continuativo
Chiuso: Lunedì e mercoledì dalle 9,30 alle 12,30

If you want to taste or take home local products, this is the right place to visit.

There you will find all the best handcrafted products in the Crete Senesi.

They range from Tuscan salami, long seasoned pecorino of Crete, known among the best produced in Italy.

Do not forget, however, the large selection of wines from Siena: Brunello, Nobile di Montepulciano, Chianti Classico and Colli Senesi.

Then there are true gems, like Vinpepato and Vin Santo accompanied by Sienese sweets, fresh and locally produced.

In short, there is plenty of choice for a tasty snack, to take home the flavors of this corner of Tuscany or to wrap a gift basket, unique and original.

We are sure that you will not lose the opportunity to visit us for a taste.If you want to taste or take home local products, this is the right place to visit.

There you will find all the best handcrafted products in the Crete Senesi.

They range from Tuscan salami, long seasoned pecorino of Crete, known among the best produced in Italy.

Do not forget, however, the large selection of wines from Siena: Brunello, Nobile di Montepulciano, Chianti Classico and Colli Senesi.

Then there are true gems, like Vinpepato and Vin Santo accompanied by Sienese sweets, fresh and locally produced.

In short, there is plenty of choice for a tasty snack, to take home the flavors of this corner of Tuscany or to wrap a gift basket, unique and original.

We are sure that you will not lose the opportunity to visit us for a taste.
