
La BARBERIA di Nicola


La BARBERIA di Nicola
Corso G. Matteotti, 28 53041 Asciano

Telefono 0577 1794817
Chiuso: Domenica e Lunedì

In the past there were three barber shops in Asciano, then they slowly closed due to old age.

Today we can say, with great pleasure, that a new and elegant BARBERIA started by the enterprising Nicola has returned to the center.

The owner began his apprenticeship many years ago at local unisex hairdressers and then practiced successfully in Siena for many years.

The laudable desire to be able to carry out his professional activity within his place of origin led Nicola to open his own shop, choosing to place it in the historic centre: Corso Matteotti.

The business is enjoying considerable success, especially among young people, who immediately appreciated the owner's skill and creativity.

In short, today in Asciano it is possible to return to past habits: those of being able to go to the barber to have your hair and shave done.

In the past there were three barber shops in Asciano, then they slowly closed due to old age.

Today we can say, with great pleasure, that a new and elegant BARBERIA started by the enterprising Nicola has returned to the center.

The owner began his apprenticeship many years ago at local unisex hairdressers and then practiced successfully in Siena for many years.

The laudable desire to be able to carry out his professional activity within his place of origin led Nicola to open his own shop, choosing to place it in the historic centre: Corso Matteotti.

The business is enjoying considerable success, especially among young people, who immediately appreciated the owner's skill and creativity.

In short, today in Asciano it is possible to return to past habits: those of being able to go to the barber to have your hair and shave done.
