


“Casa di Moccio” is a small farmhouse which consists in only 2 apartments for rent. This farmhouse is about 600 years old, it is situated in the heart of the Crete Senesi; it is very panoramic, wide, quiet, with a small garden. To get to “Casa di Moccia” from Siena, drive into the exit “SIENA SUD”, follow the blue road markings in the direction of Rome, road SS2 Rome, in Buonconvento turn left towards Monte Oliveto and Asciano. From Buonconvento, after 5,7 km, turn left and drive through a non-asphalted country road for 300 metres.“Casa di Moccio” is a small farmhouse which consists in only 2 apartments for rent. This farmhouse is about 600 years old, it is situated in the heart of the Crete Senesi; it is very panoramic, wide, quiet, with a small garden. To get to “Casa di Moccia” from Siena, drive into the exit “SIENA SUD”, follow the blue road markings in the direction of Rome, road SS2 Rome, in Buonconvento turn left towards Monte Oliveto and Asciano. From Buonconvento, after 5,7 km, turn left and drive through a non-asphalted country road for 300 metres.
