
ALICE'S STUDIO, Parrucchiera


ALICE'S STUDIO, Parrucchiera
53041 ASCIANO via Trieste, 8a

Telefono 0577 718645
Orario: dalle 9,00 alle 13,00 e dalle 15,30 alle 19,30 - pomeriggi estivi dalle 16,00 alle 20,00 - Sabato orario continuato.
Chiuso: Domenica e Lunedì



The professionalism of Alice's Studio, accompanied by the quality of products and experience, gained over many years of activity, provides everything you need for hair care and their health.

In addition to the classic hairdressing activities, keratin treatments, application of customized colors and multiple stretching techniques are practiced.

Recently the store has moved, completely renovating furniture and technical equipment.



The professionalism of Alice's Studio, accompanied by the quality of products and experience, gained over many years of activity, provides everything you need for hair care and their health.

In addition to the classic hairdressing activities, keratin treatments, application of customized colors and multiple stretching techniques are practiced.

Recently the store has moved, completely renovating furniture and technical equipment.
