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Movimenti Geniali by MOTUS - Saturday 15 March

ASCIANO - Meetings, Dance, Music and Visual Arts celebrate Tuscan genius at Palazzo Corboli!

Appointment: Saturday 15 March, 4:00 pm
“Movimenti Geniali” is a project created by MOTUS in collaboration with the Municipality of Asciano and the Fondazione Musei Senesi, with the patronage of the Department of Historical Sciences and Cultural Heritage of the University of Siena and with the participation of the Regional Council of Tuscany, to celebrate the Festa della Toscana.

The project merges the art of the past with contemporary creation to celebrate Tuscan artistic genius.

Italy's fame in the world is largely due to the contribution of Tuscany, which has played a crucial role in shaping the country's identity, making it a global point of reference for art, culture and science. Many personalities who, over the centuries, have contributed to the creation of a better world, through all forms of human thought, are Tuscan, from Leonardo to Michelangelo, from Brunelleschi to Galileo.

The entire territory of the Region, even in the smallest centers, is dotted with historical-architectural-artistic emergencies that testify to this incredible development of Tuscan excellence and that can be enhanced through contemporary artistic actions. An example is represented by the Civic Archaeological and Sacred Art Museum of Asciano, housed in Palazzo Corboli, a rare example of a medieval palatium, which houses works by the greatest Sienese artists from the 13th to the 17th century, including Sano di Pietro, Ambrogio Lorenzetti and Taddeo di Bartolo.

Despite the presence of unique treasures of rare beauty, the Palazzo Corboli Museum is not included in the most popular tourist circuits and, for this reason, the “Movimenti Geniali” project has chosen it as the focus of the artistic action that will take place

- starting at 4:00 pm on March 15 at the Palazzo Corboli Museum in Asciano ( G. Matteotti 122)

The first event scheduled is a public meeting to which regional institutions have been invited (Eugenio Giani, President of the Tuscany Region - Cristina Giachi, President of the Fifth Commission of the Regional Council of Tuscany - Antonio Mazzeo, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany) the city institutions (Fabrizio Nucci, Mayor, and Enrica Ercoli, Councilor for Culture, of the Municipality of Asciano) and art experts such as Cristiano Leone (President of the Santa Maria della Scala Foundation) Elisa Rubegni (Director of the Palazzo Corboli Museum) Alessandro Ricceri (President of the Sienese Museums Foundation) Stefania Onesti (professor of History of Theater and History of Dance University of Siena).

At the end of the public meeting,

- around 5:45 pm, the dance of the MOTUS Company and the live music of the composer Andrea Rellini will merge in the site-specific show “Movimenti Geniali” in which the expressive power of the choreographic movements interpenetrates with the emotional depth of the cello notes.

Thus a contemporary artistic dialogue is born with the masterpieces of the Museum, which evokes Tuscan genius and innovation, central themes of the itinerant performance through the rooms to discover the hidden treasures of Palazzo Corboli.

- around 6:30 pm: aperitif followed by a guided tour of the Museum.


- 4:00 PM Public Meeting

- 5:45 PM Show "Movimenti Geniali" by Compagnia MOTUS and Andra Rellini

- 6:30 PM Aperitif

- 7:00 PM Guided Tour of the Museum

Free admission until all seats are taken.
