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Palaces and Monuments

Antica Farmacia
The old Pharmacy was founded in 1795 by the Francini Naldi family, which has always been r...

Antica Fornacetta
One of the many little kilns was recently found by accident in the neighborhood of Cocciai...

Antica via Bartolenga
Until the first half of the 1400s, this ancient road corresponded to the urban path of the...
Antiche scuderie
The buildings now known as "The Grand Duke's Horse Stables" were constructed...

Asilo Infantile
History of the structure: The idea of founding a nursery school in Buonconvento matured af...

Biblioteca Monastica di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
The Library room, commissioned by Abbot Francesco Ringhieri in 1515, was designed by ...
Cantina Storica del monastero
The Olivetan monks dedicated themselves to agricultural activity as a direct source of liv...

Casa natale di Amos Cassioli
This three-story building has no particular architectural features and was built using sto...

Cinta muraria e porte di accesso al borgo
Rapolano Terme
The town grew from the castle built and ruled by the Counts of Scialenga in medieval times...

Cippo di Azelio Laschi, Partigiano
The memorial stone was erected on the precise spot where, on 10 June 1944, the seventeen-y...

Cocciaio, fornaci e botteghe di ceramica
Via Dei Vasari, Copperia, Cocciaio: certain local place names still in use or still ...

Consorzio Agrario
To the south of the historical center, during the Fascist regime, was envisioned in the 19...
Ex Casa del Fascio
Scheduled within the city's expansion plan drawn up in 1934, the House of the Fascist ...
Ex Convento di S. Agostino
This convent was clearly documented as early as the first half of the 14th century, thanks...

Ex Convento di San Francesco
Its construction on the ruins of an old castle seems to date back to the early 14th centur...

Ex convento di San Galgano
Heirs of the Benedictine tradition, the monks of San Galgano managed many local properties...

Ex Pretura e Carceri
The building was constructed in 1854 as the local courthouse and jail. Its location,...
Lapide a ricordo di Pierino Papini e del suo eroismo
The commemorative stone of Pierino Papini was placed on the corner of the reconstructed bu...

Lapide caduti della Grande Guerra all'interno di San Vito in Versuris
I primi due nominativi sono relativi a campagne d'Africa precedenti la Grande Guerra: ...
Lapide caduti di Cuna nella Grande Guerra
Monteroni d'Arbia
The fallen of Cuna in the First World War: Anselmo Burroni Guido Carnicelli Gino...

Lapide Caduti in guerra di Torre a Castello
The plaque is located at the beginning of the driveway that leads to the parish church. ...

Lapide commemorativa Caduti della Grande Guerra
The Fallen of the Great War: Postal Code. Pannilunghi arturo med. gold ten. Cresti dot...
Lapide commemorativa dell'eccidio del Poggiarone
"In memory of an incomprehensible and useless massacre Following an American air a...

Lapide dedicata ai Ferrovieri Caduti nella Grande Guerra
The headstone is still placed above the central external door of the Asciano Scalo Station...

Monumento ai caduti
Shortly after the end of World War I, the citizens of Asciano felt the need to immortalize...

Monumento ai Caduti
San Giovanni d'Asso
The Fallen of GrandeGuerra: Agnoletti Alfredo Anselmi Giulio Baglioni Emili...

Monumento ai Caduti
Monteroni d'Arbia
The Fallen of the Great War: Andreini Bramante Andreini Cesare Andreini Giulio And...
Monumento ai Caduti di Armaiolo
Rapolano Terme
Fallen in the War 1915 -18 Baccheschi Fustino Betti Bernardino Becatti ...

Monumento ai caduti di Chiusure
Brick covered structure on the front and sides of the travertine worked with architectural...

Monumento ai Caduti di Modanella
Rapolano Terme
The fallen in the First World War, 1915 - 18 Pomaranzi Marco Sergliacopi E...

Monumento ai Caduti di Montisi
San Giovanni d'Asso
The War Memorial of the First World War, inaugurated on October 2, 1921. In 1946 it was en...

Monumento ai caduti di Serre di Rapolano
Rapolano Terme
Description of the monument built inside the Chapel of the Square: Base with two side...

Monumento ai Partigiani caduti
Monument to the Partisans of Asciano and their fallen. Its shape is significant of what ha...

Monumento e lapide ai caduti
Rapolano Terme
National fighters and rebels Common of rapolan spa To his fallen in the war 15 - 18 ...

Mura di cinta del borgo
The still visible walls around Asiano date from 1234. They were built by the Siennese once...

Mura di cinta di Buonconvento
As its name suggests Buonconvento (‘good shelter’) has always been a stopping ...
P01 - Porta Senese o del Bianchi
The Porta Senese takes its name from the city to which it leads via the road called the La...

P02 - Porta Occidentale o Porta del Comune
Synthetic History 1342 - 1352 probable construction as it belongs to the third high circl...

P03 - Porticciola o Porta delle Fonti
It was a secondary access to the medieval village, opened near a washhouse outside the wal...

P04 - Porta Massini: resti
Porta Massini, also known as Porta Valdichiana, consisted of a massive square-shaped build...

P05 - Porta Orientale
Synthetic History 1342 - 1352 probable construction as it belongs to the third high circl...

Palazzo del Podesta'
This building, originally the biggest tower in the town walls, was for at least three cent...

Palazzo Gori Martini a Serre di Rapolano
Rapolano Terme
The Palace of Gori Martini is a nineteenth-century palace, which was built by the rich fam...

Palazzo Pretorio
Sulla via principale, al centro del piccolo borgo, si trova il trecentesco Palazzo Pretor...

Palazzo Spannocchi
The mansion Palazzo Spannocchi, in the Prato zone, sits where once the Loreto Way split in...
Palazzo Tolomei
The architecture of the Asciano residence of the Tolomei family is characterized by a trav...

Panca dei Prodotti Tipici Locali
This particular and small monument to local products, made of travertine, was conceived as...

Ponte del Garbo
The bridge over the Ombrone river connects Asciano with part of its territory along the an...
Porta dei Tintori
Rapolano Terme
he following year, the Municipality of Siena itself helped to build or rebuild what had be...

Porta di San Lorenzo a Serre di Rapolano
Rapolano Terme
Outside the church of Saint Catherine, after going down the stairs, there is the gate of S...

Porta di Sant'Andrea a Serre di Rapolano
Rapolano Terme
The Porta of Saint Andrea in Serre di Rapolano is so-called because from it you had to pas...
Porta Nuova e Piazza Matteotti
Rapolano Terme
The development of Rapolano in the second half of the 19th century is due to the construct...
Porta Sant'Antonio
Rapolano Terme
The Porta di Sant’Antonio is the second ancient gate that leads into the village of ...

Porta serraia a Serre di Rapolano
Rapolano Terme
The ancient door which leads to the Serraia valley eastwards is called Porta Serraia and i...

Refettorio Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
The monastic refectory is one of the largest rooms in the Abbey, with a vaulted ceiling an...

Scultura: Ascensore
Rapolano Terme
Sculrura modern positioned in front of Porta Nuova, cantilevered over the territory of the...

Scultura: Cerchio d’acqua
Rapolano Terme
Sculrura modern placed in the middle of the roundabout on the main road north to Gunsmith....

Scultura: Colonna
Rapolano Terme
Sculrura modern Piazzone placed in front of the intersection, on the left coming from Port...

Scultura: Finestra sul Mondo
Rapolano Terme
Sculrura modern Piazzone placed in front of the intersection, on the left coming from Port...

Scultura: Fiore luminoso
Rapolano Terme
Sculrura modern positioned in front of Porta Nuova, cantilevered over the territory of the...

Scultura: Frammenti d’arte intorno al XX secolo
Rapolano Terme
Sculrura moderna collocata all'interno di Porta Nuova, sulla sinistra entrando verso piazz...

Scultura: Libertà sempre
Rapolano Terme
Sculrura modern placed on a small green space on the main road north, just beyond the gard...

Scultura: Piazza Iqbal Maschi
Rapolano Terme
Modern sculpture located in a secluded corner of the water park The author Mauro Berre...

Scultura: Porta dell’acqua
Rapolano Terme
Modern Sculrura placed at the entrance of the Water Park, in front of Terme Antica Quercio...

Site Transitoire
Monument in stone made by Jean Paul Philippe in 1993 and located at the junction of three ...
Spezieria - Farmacia dell'Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
The Pharmacy, more specifically the Spezieria, was built together with the Abbey, leaning ...

T00 - Ex Torre Porcellotti
Recent inspections have highlighted the existence of a tower of which only a few traces re...

T01 - Torre della Peschiera
Synthetic Chronology 1287 likely construction at the same time as the second city wall 1...

T02 - Torre delle Vallesi
Etica Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 It is probable construction as it belongs to the t...

T03: Torre Palazzo del Podesta'
Etica Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 "construction of the tower - rampart on which...

T04: Torre delle Antiche Fonti
Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 likely construction as it belongs to the third circle of...
T05: Torre a est della demolita Porticciola
Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 It is probable construction as it belongs to the third h...
T06: Torre di Palazzo Tolomei
Brief Chronology 1342 – 1352 probable construction as it belongs to the thi...

T07 - Torre Hospitale di San Michele
Remains of the tower that protected the southernmost part of Palazzo Tolomei and the adjac...

T08: Torre di Sant'Agata
The tower, part of the fortification protecting the Pieve di Sant'Agata, was later inc...

T09: Ex Torre posteriore alla Pieve di Sant'Agata
The tower, part of the fortification protecting the Pieve di Sant'Agata, was later tra...

T10: Torre angolare grossa di sud-est
Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 "probable construction of the bulwark - corner towe...

Terrazza Panoramica
After a retaining wall of friable travertine was built underneath the area around what was...
Torre civica della Mencia
The municipal tower is located ideally in the center of the new part of the town that was ...