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Water, Stone and Castles

Path long enough, about two-thirds of asphalt and gravel road white for the rest. Inclines...

On the border between Crete and the Orcia

Path of limited difficulty characterized by wide flat stretches in the first part. Depart...

Ring of Monte Sante Marie, Castle Tower, Mucigliani, Vescona

Cyclic path to discover the most beautiful landscapes of Crete, starting from the bridge o...

Ring Montisi Montelifrè

Path short but very suggestive because, in addition to visiting Montisi, a country with a ...

Ancient driveway for Serre of Rapolano

Safari 8 - Taking advantage of an open space suitable for parking under a retaining wall o...

Starting from Ville di Corsano the road climbs towards the nearby Castle of Grotti, which ...

With Domenico di Bartolo along the ancient Lauretana - Devotion, Art and Mercy

  The ideal starting point for this pilgrimage route is surely the piazza of the D...

Cuna, Radi and surroundings

The course is suitable for rather long, or use of a good walker and MBK Moto but do not me...

From Medane to Valdarbia and return

Safari 6 - This path is piutosto challenging in case you want to take photographs for tanr...

From Rigoli towards Montauto and return

Game drives 10 - Short but quite demanding route, as it takes place entirely on dirt roads...

The Tour of Mezzavia

Photo Safari 1 - This route, very suitable for a stimulating excursion in MBK, was however...

From Pievina and return to the Cause

Safari 12 - Path rather long, difficult to make aa foot but suitable by bicycle, motorcycl...

From Fontanelle to Caliano

Photo safari 14 - Path exciting for the photo opportunities that guarantees in landscaping...

This long journey, to be made by car, motorcycle or bike, is designed for guests who are s...

Among Valdarbia Ombrone and old paths through the countryside

From Asciano you pedal along the road for Monteroni for about 14 kilometers to the point w...

Tour from Ombrone to Badia Rofeno

Safari 9 - Short route on the heights north of Asciano. Starting from the junction from Ry...

Tour of Chiusure

Smooth path that starts from Asciano to Chiusure across the road to San Giovanni d'Asso, r...

Palazzomonaci around the cell

Safari 13 - This route seemingly uninteresting, reserve rather unique opportunities for sh...

Castles and Archaeological Sites in Crete

The track, which starts from the parking lots in front of the medieval walls of Asciano, i...

In the hills between the valleys of Arbia and Asso

Route mostly on dirt roads quite difficult for steep hills that constitute it. It starts ...

Around Leonina, the most photographed landscape


Around Montauto

Fotosafari 11 - The route obviously starts from the only clearing under Montauto where it ...

Around Monte Oliveto Maggiore

FotoSafari 15 - Short but particularly difficult route because the track on the dirt road ...

Around the church of San Giovanni in Corsano

The walk is divided into two rings that are joined at the Pieve di Corsano, place of depar...

The Eroica of Crete


Necropoli e antiche Terme

Path to be made possible in the afternoon to observe that splendid sunsets can be observed...

Overview of Siena froom Camposodo and Medane

It 'a circular route which develops mostly on dirt track, in some places require some effo...

For the valleys of Biena and Camerone

It starts from the village of Mucigliani following the sign "Transient Site". This first s...

Small ancient villages

The route is almost entirely flat and runs mostly on local roads unpaved touching ancient ...

Tour #2 - Through the hills of the river basin Ombrone

The path is quite long and you can take by car or camper in all seasons but only in spring...

Between Val d'Arbia and Val d'Asso through Chiusure

Middle route, half asphalt and half on dirt roads is very impressive. Starting from the pa...

An old road through the woods

Tracked quiet but challenging enough for the ups and downs and turns that you face. The fe...

Ombrone Valley Forge of Poggetti, Casella, La Costa

Path that runs along a beautiful area with badlands. Some parts of the path are not passa...

Old paths between Asciano and Serre di Rapolano

Photo safari 7 - Taking advantage of the new car park between the access roundabout to the...

Villas and Castles

The route of the trail runs along farm roads well maintained and easy to follow. It starts...


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