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Carro Etrusco di VI sec. AC Asciano

Carro Etrusco di VI sec. AC

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Current location: Museo Civico Archeologico e d'Arte Sacra Palazzo Corboli
Original location:


The Etruscan iron cart was found, during the archaeological investigations conducted in the 80s, in the tomb A of the Poggione necropolis near Castelnuovo Berardenga.

The exhibit, dating back to the end of the 7th-beginning of the 6th century BC, has undergone a complex restoration project directed by the former Archaeological Superintendence of Tuscany.

The museum layout of the wagon consists of a three-dimensional wooden reconstruction, on which the metal parts have been applied, giving it back its original shape and dimensions. The reconstruction was based on the data collected both during the excavation and in the first restoration work, which took place in the 80s of the twentieth century, and from what emerged during the restoration itself. Poggione's chaise presents itself as a parallelepiped box, open front and back, without a footboard, with the seat placed almost at the edges and pulled by two horses.

Numerous are the novelties emerged on this typology of repertoire thanks to the in-depth research, carried out in parallel with the restoration by the Superintendency: "It is a buggy functional to the transportation of property of the owner, symbol of his status, with a strong celebratory value of the rank of the noble group, not only of the individual, and of the role of control of the territory carried out by it.


This interpretation seems to confirm the placement of the buggy inside the tomb, which binds him not only to the funerary world, as a symbolic projection of the journey to the underworld but also as a status symbol of the local aristocracy ".

Carro Etrusco di VI sec. AC


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