IL GRILLO VERDE S.N.C. di Farnetani Valentino e Paolo Alessa San Giovanni d'Asso

IL GRILLO VERDE S.N.C. di Farnetani Valentino e Paolo Alessa
53020 SAN GIOVANNI D'ASSO, Via Venti Settembre, 5
Telephone 333 8974161
Mobile phone: 347 9636986
Website: http://www.ilgrilloverde.it/
Business card (vCard)

The work that we carry out are varied, from the creation from scratch of a garden to its maintenance, the construction of fences, pergolas and stone paths to the choice of the most suitable plants to the ground, the natural environment and, above all, to the wishes of the client. < br>
Soil preparation, seeding or installation of lawn rolls, planting, pruning and installation of irrigation systems are our specialty. The manufacture of beautification as paths and stone walls, seats and all that is possible to make wood to adorn the area are our delight.
Our maintenances aim to keep the garden in perfect condition from the point of view of phyto-sanitary treatments through the use of fungicides and insecticides.
The Green Cricket s.n.c. also aims to support the activities directed to municipal management and creation of green areas.