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007 Tarsia pavimentale della navata sinistra - Sibilla Ellespontica
Artist: Neroccio di Bartolomeo Landi
Year: 1483
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
The inscription under the feet of this Sibyl says that she was born on Trojan soil and was, according to some, a contemporary of Cyrus. The figure is graceful, but it gives the idea of gigantic proportions in some way. The physiognomy thoughtful and sober elegance reminiscent of the style of Neroccio Bartolomeo de 'Landi, with dating to 1483. The hair, crowned with a crown of jewels, free fall on the shoulders, although partially divided by ribbons. With the left hand holds a book half open. Her dress is just held at the waist by a small belt enriched with gems and to his left, resting on two columns, there is a plate in front of which sit a wolf and a lion give a friendly paw: it is perhaps an allusion to the Treaty between Siena and Florence, another interpretation sees the two animals respectively symbol of Jews and Gentiles redeemed by the divine sacrifice. An inscription reads: Cibum in fel in sitim acetum dederunt hanc in hospitalitatis mostrabunt mensam, temples true scindetur velum average day nox et ERIT dark tribus horis ("They gave him gall for food and vinegar for his thirst, will show you this table d 'inhospitality. Indeed, the veil of the Temple was squarcerà and in the middle of the day is dark night for three hours "), which alludes to the final moments of the life of Jesus and his death on the cross.
007 Tarsia pavimentale della navata sinistra - Sibilla Ellespontica