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018 Tarsia pavimentale del Transetto destro - Sacrificio di Iefte
Artist: Neroccio di Bartolomeo Landi
Year: 1481-1485
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
The story of Jephthah is told in the Book of Judges (11, 29-40) and this is framed by an elegant frieze of dolphins addressed, shells and palmettes. Against the background of an extensive landscape with a walled city at the top (from which protrude buildings typical of the Renaissance), mountains and a military camp of the battle between the troops of jew judge Jephthah and the Ammonites. On the left Jephthah with his horse, dressed as a Roman emperor, gives orders to his men, and next to him you see an elegant combination of two young soldiers in conversation. In the background is part of the city victorious Jephthah and meets his daughter, foreseeing the sacrifice that God had promised in exchange for victory. In the temple a central plan, in the upper left corner, then sacrificial scene takes place in fulfillment of the vote. The box was paid from 1481 to 1485 at the stonemason Sebastian Francis, design attributed to Urbano da Cortona or Neroccio of Bartolomeo de 'Landi. Many details have been defined as "neoattica harmony" as the momentum of the horses in battle, or how to present the dark warrior in the foreground, details related to a taste archeologizzante that flourished in Siena at the close of the fifteenth century. Up to 1661 this section of the floor stood before the door of forgiveness.
018 Tarsia pavimentale del Transetto destro - Sacrificio di Iefte