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Piazza G. Garibaldi


The square is today the main meeting place of the town.  Its centrality in the life o...




The fortified settlement of Bibbiano has existed since at least the nineteenth and fifties...

Castel Rosi


About this castle in the nearness of Buonconvento and surrounded by a wood, we don’t...

Castel Verdelli

San Giovanni d'Asso

The castle is made up of two parts which probably date back to the same period, but struct...

Castelletto Accarigi

San Giovanni d'Asso

It is situated on a hillock on the right bank of the river Asso. It was a signory of the P...

Castello di Chiusure o Rocca Tolomei


The local community, already existing at the time of the Etruscans, was equipped with a fi...

Castello di Saltennano o Saltemnano

Monteroni d'Arbia

Si tratta di un imponente complesso fortificato di epoca medievale, di cui vi e’ men...

Castello e borgo di Modanella

Rapolano Terme

The MODANELLA CASTLE is located on the edge of a valley, along which the Foenna flows, a...

Castelnuovo Grilli


In Castelnuovo Grilli you do not come by chance. This is one of the places most pleasant a...

Castelnuovo Tancredi


The existence of the castle is attested since 1214. It was a property, together with vast ...



The Castle of Gallico, with its five towers in stone and red bricks, is a wonderful exampl...

Grancia di Cuna

Monteroni d'Arbia

The mighty red brick mass of the Grancia di Cuna makes the complex of buildings easily ide...

Grancia di Montisi

San Giovanni d'Asso

In 1295, Simone dei Cacciaconti, master of Montisi, bequeathed to the Hospital of Santa Ma...


Monteroni d'Arbia

Villa torrita, already a fortress located in the jurisdiction of the plebeian parish of S....

La Torre


A castle composed of two buildings on opposite sides of a courtyard, surrounded on the oth...



At present, it is a top-level hotel, but it was a farm until some years ago. Before the ye...

Monte Sante Marie


At the origin of this town there is a watchtower dating back to the Lombard period, built ...


San Giovanni d'Asso

Already in Roman times there was a defense Castrum in MonteRanfredi which was then transfo...



Montemori di Asciano is located on a promontory on the southern side of the Ombrone Valley...

Palazzo Imperiale ed Antica Grancia di Serre di Rapolano

Rapolano Terme

Next to the San Lorenzo Gate stands a vast rather asymmetrical building which, before bein...

Palazzo Monaci


With this formal act of donation, Sigherio donated to Don Niccolò, abbot of S. Galg...

Quinciano, borgo rurale fortificato

Monteroni d'Arbia

Quinciano was a small fortified rural village, already known in 1100 and 1263, its communi...

Resti del Castello Cacciaconti

Rapolano Terme

The origins of Rapolano, at least in the present location, seem to date back to the constr...

Resti del castello Cacciaconti


Among the castles of Asciano, what is now called "The Palace" seems to be placed...

Rocca bizantina di Serre

Rapolano Terme

The fortress of Byzantine construction, constitutes the oldest nucleus of the village of S...

San Fabiano

Monteroni d'Arbia

Castle and church of San Fabiano are located on the east bank of the Arbia river. The c...

San Gimignanello

Rapolano Terme

SAN GIMIGNANELLO ALLE SERRE is located between the Val di Chiana and the Ombrone Valley, c...

Torre a Castello


It is an ancient fortress owned by the counts of Scialenga which, in 1175, was sold togeth...

Torre di Guardia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore


Monte Oliveto was, around 1300, a place lost in the gullies and subject to continuous land...

Old Town


Rapolano Terme

ARMAIOLO is a small village in Val d’Ombrone. It is situated about 1km and a half no...



The town's origins are lost in legend associated with the founding of Rome. It seems t...



It comes from the Latin “bonus conventus” and it means “happy, lucky com...



Small historic center built around the ancient parish church of San Michele in Luco, which...

Lucignano d'Arbia

Monteroni d'Arbia

At the beginning of 1000, the Guiglieschi Counts exercised control over the hill of Lucign...

Lucignano d'Asso

San Giovanni d'Asso

The village is composed of two-way and two churches, a few houses, an old store and the st...


San Giovanni d'Asso

MONTERONI Griffoli, once called MONTERONE, is a castle, surrounded by a small village incl...


San Giovanni d'Asso

At least from the 1283 men of Montisi were organized in a commune, with its "massari....

Poggio Santa Cecilia

Rapolano Terme

The fortified village is located in a naturally protected and strategic position, being on...

Rapolano Terme

Rapolano Terme

In the Middle Ages the territory of Rapolano was part of the properties of the Counts of t...

San Giovanni d'Asso

San Giovanni d'Asso

Most likely the birth of the Castle and the village that formed around it can be traced ba...

Serre di Rapolano

Rapolano Terme

The village of Serre di Rapolano is situated on a hill sheltered by an opening between the...

Churches and Monasteries

Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore


Founded in at the beginning of the XIV century from the blessed Bernardo Tolomei, in the p...

Arcipretura di Santa Maria Assunta

Rapolano Terme

The archpriest of Santa Maria Assunta is located in Rapolano Terme. It was consecrate...

Basilica Millenaria di S.Agata


The present basilica of Saint Agatha became a parish church in 1029, when it received the ...

Cappella dei Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano


The chapel of Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano is a particular sacred building located in Cam...

Cappella di Piazza

Rapolano Terme

Chapel Square is a sacred building in the main square of the little old town. It is a smal...

Cappella di Sant'Antonio


The chapel of Saint Antonio is a sacred building situated in the resort “Segalari&rd...

Cappella Pieri Nerli

Monteroni d'Arbia

The chapel Pierli Nerli is in Quinciano, in the Commune of Monteroni d’Arbia. It was...

Cappella Santo Chiodo


Before 1844, there were two “fraternities” locally, one of the SS. Sacramento ...

Cattedrale della Nativita' di Maria


The Cathedral of the Nativity of Mary, annexed to the monastery of Monte Oliveto Maggiore,...

Chiesa della Compagnia del Corpus Domini

Rapolano Terme

The church of the Corpus Christi( more properly, church of the Corpus Christi’s Conf...

Chiesa della Compagnia di Santa Caterina della Misericordia

Rapolano Terme

The church of the Saint Catherine of the Mercy’s Confraternity is a sacred building ...

Chiesa della Compagnia di Santa Croce

Rapolano Terme

The church of the Saint Cross’s Confraternity is a sacred building in the resort of ...

Chiesina dei Santi Alberto e Sabino


The small church is part of a group of houses in the village of Poggio Pinel. Externally i...

Edicola viaria di San Michele Arcangelo


On the front wall of what was once the Hospitale of the same name, there remains a now ver...

Edicola viaria di via Santa Maria


On the corner between Corso Matteotti and Via Santa Maria, there has been, since the end o...

Madonna del Giardino a Camparboli


The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin of the Garden is of ancient foundation and was un...

Madonna della Neve

San Giovanni d'Asso

The church of Our Lady of the Snow (or church of the Virgin of Torricella) is Montisi. ...

Madonna della Piaggia

Rapolano Terme

The church of the Madonna della Piaggia is a sacred building among San Gimignanello and Se...

Madonna di Montacuto

Rapolano Terme

The church of Madonna di Montauto is a sacred building located in Santo Stefano in Vicodod...

Monastero di San Cristoforo a Rofeno


The Monastery of Saint Cristoforo in Rofeno is a sacred building in Badia a Rofeno. It is ...

Monastero di San Nazario


The Monastery of San Nazario was born on the initiative of Father Abbot General and Ordina...

Oratorio del Santissimo Crocifisso


The oratory of SSCrocifisso dates back to the early nineteenth century, when the Olivetan ...

Oratorio dell'Arciconfraternita della Misericordia


The Oratory of the Arch confraternity of the Misericordia(already Oratory of Saint sebasti...

Oratorio della Compagnia di Santa Croce


The oratory, once the meeting place of a laymen's organization no longer in existence,...

Oratorio di Sant'Antonio abate

San Giovanni d'Asso

The church of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament is situated in Montisi. Already e...

Pieve dei Santi Andrea e Lorenzo

Rapolano Terme

The parish of the saints Andrew and Laurence is a sacred building in Serre di Rapolano(Rap...

Pieve dei Santi Giusto e Donato

Monteroni d'Arbia

The ex-parish of the saints Giusto and Donato is in Monteroni d’Arbia. The ancient c...

Pieve dell'Assunzione di Maria

San Giovanni d'Asso

The Parish of the Virgin Mary’s Assumption(in times past “Parish of the Assump...

Pieve di San Fabiano

Monteroni d'Arbia

he church of San Fabiano is located next to the castle of the same name, near Monteroni d&...

Pieve di San Giovanni Battista

San Giovanni d'Asso

The parish of saint John the Baptist is the main church of saint Giovanni d’Asso. It...

Pieve di San Giovanni Battista a Corsano

Monteroni d'Arbia

The parish church of San Giovanni Battista in Corsano is a sacred building located in the ...

Pieve di San Giovanni Battista a Lucignano

Monteroni d'Arbia

Mentioned since the beginning of the 10th century, after the restoration in 1933, it is re...

Pieve di San Vittore

Rapolano Terme

  The parish church of San Vittore is a sacred building located near the historic ...

Pieve di Sant'Andreino alle Cave

Rapolano Terme

The parish church of Sant'Andreino is a sacred building located in Le Cave in Serre di...

Pieve di Sant'Innocenza


The parish of Saint Innocenza in Piana is a sacred building near Buonconvento. Mentioned s...

Pieve di Sant'Ippolito


The Pieve of Saint Hippolytus is the oldest church in Asciano, cited in 714 in a quarrel b...

Pieve di Santa Maria a Pava

San Giovanni d'Asso

Saint Maria in Pava was one of the nineteen parishes which were contended in the Middle Ag...

San Bartolomeo

Rapolano Terme

The castle of saint Bartolomeo(or Castle of the Saint)is a sacred building in Rapolano Ter...

San Bartolomeo a Castelnuovo Tancredi


The Church of San Bartolomeo is a sacred building in Castelnuovo Tancredi in Buonconvento....

San Bartolomeo a Monte Sante Marie


The reference church of the castle of Monte Sante Marie has always been the ancient parish...

San Bernardino


The church was once dedicated to St. John the Baptist and belonged to the Gerosolimitan mo...

San Biagio

San Giovanni d'Asso

Already mentioned in the registers of the tithes of 1278-1279 and 1295-1304 as a branch of...

San Florenzo a Vescona


This church, located on a steep hill and connected to the town of Vescona from a driveway ...

San Giacomo Apostolo

Monteroni d'Arbia

San Giacomo Apostolo is Mugnano, in the municipality of Monteroni of Arbia. The churc...

San Giovanni Battista


This parish church dedicated to S. Giovan Battista is located on the right of the Lauretan...

San Giovanni Battista a Modanella

Rapolano Terme

The church of San Giovanni Battista is a sacred building in Modanella (Rapolano Terme). Al...

San Giovanni Evangelista a Montecontieri


The church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Montecontieri probably finds its origins in the ...

San Giovanni Evangelista ad Armaiolo

Rapolano Terme

The church of San Giovanni Evangelista is a sacred building in Armaiolo, in Rapolano Terme...

San Giuseppe


Like many other oratories or votive shrines, San Giuseppe is also located at the fork of t...

San Giuseppe Artigiano


The church is located in Asciano Scalo, along the SP 26 which connects Asciano with Rapola...

San Lorenzo a Monterongrifoli

San Giovanni d'Asso

The church of San Lorenzo in Monterongrifoli is a wide bricked-structure with a simple slo...

San Lorenzo a Percenna


The church of San Lorenzo is a sacred building in Percenna, near Buonconvento. The church ...

San Lorenzo a San Francesco


The church was built just before the Franciscan convent, in the second half of the thirtee...

San Lorenzo a Serravalle


The church of San Lorenzo is a sacred building in Serravalle, near Buonconvento. It is ver...

San Lorenzo a Vergelle

San Giovanni d'Asso

The church of san Lorenzo in Vergelle was originally a branch of the near Parish of Pava a...

San Lorenzo Martire a Bibbiano


The church of san Lorenzo is a sacred building in Bibbiano, near Buonconvento of ancient o...

San Michele Arcangelo


Already existing in the eighth century, after having been under the jurisdiction of the di...

San Pietro a Poggio Santa Cecilia

Rapolano Terme

The church of San Pietro is a sacred building in Poggio Santa Cecilia, in Rapolano Terme. ...

San Pietro Apostolo a Radi

Monteroni d'Arbia

The church of San Pietro Apostolo is in Radi, in the commune of Monteroni d’Arbia. I...

San Pietro in Villore

San Giovanni d'Asso

San Pietro in Villore is a small parish church, located just outside the ancient Cacciacon...

San Vito in Versuris


Nel VII secolo, sotto il dominio longobardo fu deciso di procedere alla bonifica delle col...



The church, located in the oldest part of the town, is a sanctuary attached to the convent...


Monteroni d'Arbia

The church of Sant'Albano is located in Quinciano, in the municipality of Monteroni d&...


Monteroni d'Arbia

The church of Sant'Angelo is located along the white road of Medane which from Laureta...

Sant'Antonio Abate, Oratorio della Misericordia

San Giovanni d'Asso

The Misericordia church, dedicated to St. Anthony the Abbot, named after the lay confrater...

Santa Lucia

San Giovanni d'Asso

The church of Santa Lucia in Montisi is very simple, with a sloping roof and two small win...

Santa Lucia


The families that dominated the local agricultural scenario, until the Second World War, u...

Santa Maria a Torre a Castello


Santa Maria a Torre a Castello is one of the many small churches scattered throughout the ...

Santa Maria delle Grazie o Madonna del Tribbio

San Giovanni d'Asso

The Church of Santa Maria delle grazie (or of the Madonna del Tribbio) is beside the cimit...

Santa Maria in Ferrata

Rapolano Terme

The church of Santa Maria in Ferrata, also called "the Madonna Ferrata" is a chu...

Sante Flora e Lucilla

San Giovanni d'Asso

To see her only from the outside, the facade so spartan, the Church of S.S.Flora and Lucil...

Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano

Rapolano Terme

The church of Santi Fabiano and Sebastiano is located in San Gimignanello and the current ...

Santi Giacomo e Cristoforo

Monteroni d'Arbia

The church of Santi Giacomo e Cristoforo is a sacred building located in the locality of C...

Santi Pietro e Paolo


The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is a sacred building that is Buonconvento. The buildi...

Santo Stefano

Monteroni d'Arbia

The church of Santo Stefano is in Sovignano, in the commune of Monteroni d’Arbia. Me...

Santuario di Santa Maria delle Grazie


The origin of the Sanctuary is traced back to an original roadside Tabernacle located on t...

Sant’Alberto a Montalceto


Climbing for about two and a half kilometers, after passing the old Hague of Montalceto, i...

SS. Jacopo e Cristoforo


The Montecalvoli church is presumably as old as the village where it is still located. The...


Fonte della Mencia


Located at the base of the Torre Civica (Municipal Tower) completed in 1586, the Mencia Fo...

Fonte monumentale di Piazza del Grano


Located in what was then the mercantile center of town, this magnificent fountain was scul...

Fonti Lavatoie


This late nineteenth-century building, restored many times over, helps keep recent history...

La Pianella


The current fountain is an embellished remake of the one already documented by Gherardini ...

Peschiera e serbatoio idrico


When you walk from the access tower towards the Abbey of Monte Oliveto  shortly after...




TThe farmhouse “Casabianca” is situated on the hill-crest which separates Vall...

Fattoria di montebaroni


Already Signory of Asciano’s counts in the territory of the parish of Saint Vito in ...

La Pievina


It is a small rural village built around a small but very ancient parish church.  ...

Montauto Giuseppi


The few information on this pleasant place, which is encountered along the suggestive whit...

Monteroni d'Arbia

Monteroni d'Arbia

Monteroni was in the mid-thirteenth century a modest village in the Sienese countryside. I...



MUCIGLIANI, between the valley of Arbia and that of the sienese Ombrone. It is a destroyed...



Ancient Palace of the XVII century; we think that the structure was used also previously a...

Palazzo Venturi o Montecontieri


Formerly known as Montecontieri: it was the seat of the parish church of S. Giovanni Evang...

Pieve dei Preti


This town, now used as a tourist accommodation, was until recently a property of the Basil...

Poggio Greppoli


It is a farm with a walled courtyard, currently in use by a family who practices permanent...

Ponte d'Arbia

Monteroni d'Arbia

This town has been documented since the early Middle Ages as it is located along the route...

Presidio sorgente di Grottoli


Along the ancient road that connected Asciano to Trequanda and San Giovanni d'Asso, in...

Radi in creta

Monteroni d'Arbia

A castle turned into a farm with a parish church (Saint Pietro Apostolo) about 5 km westwa...



It was one of the 11 small communes of the community of Asciano; it is about 3 km north-we...

Sobborgo Camparboli


The village of Asciano has always had two suburbs outside the circle of walls: one on the ...


San Giovanni d'Asso

This village was already a castle with the parish church of San Lorenzo is about 5 km on t...



The village of Vescona has ancient origins and if we take as a reference the famous docume...

Ville di Corsano

Monteroni d'Arbia

This area is named after the ancient parish of San Giovanni Battista in Corsano, about 7 k...


Chiesa e Museo della Misericordia

Rapolano Terme

The church of the Mercy is a sacred building situated in Rapolano terme. The front of the ...

MAM: Mostra Arti e Mestieri, allestita da Renato Mencarelli


Renato, a retired former impresario, to give vent to his great attachment to the productiv...

Museo Cassioli Pittura senese dell'Ottocento


Established in 1991 thanks to the important legacy of works of the Cassioli family, origin...

Museo Civico Archeologico e d'Arte Sacra Palazzo Corboli


Once a complicated restoration of the old Palace had been completed, the Casa Corboli Muse...

Museo d'Arte Sacra della Val d'Arbia


Inaugurated in 1979 into another expositive context, the Museum has been moved into the Pa...

Museo del Tartufo

San Giovanni d'Asso

In San Giovanni d’Asso, a natural bridge between the Crete senesi and the Val d&rsqu...

Museo dell' Antica Grancia

Rapolano Terme

After long and delicate works of restoration , the Grancia of Serre di Rapolano has been o...

Museo dell'Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore


This little museum, created from the beautiful “Sala Capitolare” of the Abbey,...

Museo della Mezzadria


The ethnographic museum of the Sienese Share Cropping, situated in the historic centre of ...

Museo Nazionale del Presepe

Rapolano Terme

The Museum is located in the premises of the Parish of Santa Maria Assunta, with the aim o...

Piccolo Museo Compagnia del Santissimo Sacramento

San Giovanni d'Asso

Like any self-respecting Brotherhood, also to Montisi it has preserved furnishings and obj...

Sede Storica Misericordia del Corpus Domini


Although the first brotherhoods date back to the thirteenth century, the Buonconvento Merc...

Gardens and Landscapes

Strada del Pecorile


This road that starts from the ex Porta Massini heading south, along the public gardens, h...

Bosco della Ragnaia

San Giovanni d'Asso

The Bosco della Ragnaia is a woodland park and garden created by the American artist Shep...

Cave di Travertino dell'Oliviera

Rapolano Terme

The hills of the central territory of Rapolano are made up of Tertiary rocks, covered with...

Cave di Travertino di Serre

Rapolano Terme

The hills of the territory south-east of Rapolano are made up of tertiary rocks covered wi...

Fornace dei Poggetti

Rapolano Terme

This particular point of observation of the landscape of the Crete is situated at the cros...

Giardino Donato di Becco


Donato Di Becco (1280-1348), a notary by profession, stopped at nothing to carry out his d...

Il poggio


In this area there are some farms about 4 kilometres from Asciano, along the Via Lauretana...

Le Fontanelle


In this area there are two farms along the Via Lauretana Antica which leads from Asciano t...

Menchiari (Santa Caterina)


It is a resort made up of two farmhouses between Vescona and Mucigliani, along the Via Lau...



The name of this ancient farmhouse in bricks comes from the fact that it rises on a hill e...

Monumento Artemio Franchi


An unmistakable golden stele is outside a curve just before the farmhouse “Mezzavi...

Parco dell'acqua

Rapolano Terme

  In the place where the ancient Querciolaia thermal baths are located today, arch...

Strada bianca di Medane


It is a country road which, a little after the village of Arbia, going towards Asciano alo...

Strada bianca di Montauto da Lucignano d'Arbia ad Asciano


Shortly after the town of Lucignano d'Arbia, proceeding towards Buonconvento, a dirt r...

Strada bianca di Pieve a Salti da San Giovanni a Buonconvento


It is a not very renowned road but maybe for this reason is not very frequented and very ...

Strada delle CAVE

Rapolano Terme

The abundance of travertine, together with the renowned hydrothermal springs, has contribu...

Strada nazionale Cassia da Monteroni a Siena

Monteroni d'Arbia

The Cassia is one of the main roads of the roman period and it doesn’t need to be pr...

Strada provinciale da San Giovanni d'Asso a Trequanda

San Giovanni d'Asso

Strada che partendo dal bivio di Torrenieri della Cassia percorre la valle dell'Asso per p...

Strada provinciale della Campana da Monteroni ad Asciano

Monteroni d'Arbia

It is a very tortuous and little frequented road which allows easily to do frequent haltin...

Strada Provinciale della valle dell'Asso da San Giovanni a Montalcino

San Giovanni d'Asso

This road, which since recent times replaces the surrounding hill-road, goes for a long hi...

Strada provinciale di Monte Oliveto da Buonconvento ad Asciano


This road, which is crossed every year by thousands of tourists, branches off from the Cas...

Strada provinciale di Palazzo Venturi da Asciano a Chiusure


Questo tratto di strada asfaltata Collega il capoluogo di asciano con il villaggio di Chiu...

Strada provinciale tra Asciano e Rapolano Terme

Rapolano Terme

This road, unfortunately quite frequented because it directly links the near villages, it ...

Terrazza sulla Valdarbia


Small pitch between two large cypress trees at the edge of Ancient Loreto, in the stretch ...

Torrente Bestina e i suoi Mulini


The Bestina stream is born on the slopes of Serre di Rapolano, more precisely among the tr...

Vecchia strada della Riccia

Rapolano Terme

Tratto della ex strada provinciale che da Siena portava in Valdichiana. Collega Rapolano c...

Palaces and Monuments

Antica Farmacia


The old Pharmacy was founded in 1795 by the Francini Naldi family, which has always been r...

Antica Fornacetta


One of the many little kilns was recently found by accident in the neighborhood of Cocciai...

Antica via Bartolenga


Until the first half of the 1400s, this ancient road corresponded to the urban path of the...

Antiche scuderie


The buildings now known as "The Grand Duke's Horse Stables" were constructed...

Asilo Infantile


History of the structure: The idea of founding a nursery school in Buonconvento matured af...

Biblioteca Monastica di Monte Oliveto Maggiore


The Library room, commissioned by Abbot Francesco Ringhieri in 1515, was designed by ...

Cantina Storica del monastero


The Olivetan monks dedicated themselves to agricultural activity as a direct source of liv...

Casa natale di Amos Cassioli


This three-story building has no particular architectural features and was built using sto...

Cinta muraria e porte di accesso al borgo

Rapolano Terme

The town grew from the castle built and ruled by the Counts of Scialenga in medieval times...

Cippo di Azelio Laschi, Partigiano


The memorial stone was erected on the precise spot where, on 10 June 1944, the seventeen-y...

Cocciaio, fornaci e botteghe di ceramica


Via Dei Vasari, Copperia, Cocciaio:  certain local place names still in use or still ...

Consorzio Agrario


To the south of the historical center, during the Fascist regime, was envisioned in the 19...

Ex Casa del Fascio


Scheduled within the city's expansion plan drawn up in 1934, the House of the Fascist ...

Ex Convento di S. Agostino


This convent was clearly documented as early as the first half of the 14th century, thanks...

Ex Convento di San Francesco


Its construction on the ruins of an old castle seems to date back to the early 14th centur...

Ex convento di San Galgano


Heirs of the Benedictine tradition, the monks of San Galgano managed many local properties...

Ex Pretura e Carceri


The building was constructed in 1854 as the local courthouse and jail.  Its location,...

Lapide a ricordo di Pierino Papini e del suo eroismo


The commemorative stone of Pierino Papini was placed on the corner of the reconstructed bu...

Lapide caduti della Grande Guerra all'interno di San Vito in Versuris


I primi due nominativi sono relativi a campagne d'Africa precedenti la Grande Guerra: ...

Lapide caduti di Cuna nella Grande Guerra

Monteroni d'Arbia

The fallen of Cuna in the First World War: Anselmo Burroni Guido Carnicelli Gino...

Lapide Caduti in guerra di Torre a Castello


The plaque is located at the beginning of the driveway that leads to the parish church. ...

Lapide commemorativa Caduti della Grande Guerra


The Fallen of the Great War: Postal Code. Pannilunghi arturo med. gold ten. Cresti dot...

Lapide commemorativa dell'eccidio del Poggiarone


"In memory of an incomprehensible and useless massacre Following an American air a...

Lapide dedicata ai Ferrovieri Caduti nella Grande Guerra


The headstone is still placed above the central external door of the Asciano Scalo Station...

Monumento ai caduti


Shortly after the end of World War I, the citizens of Asciano felt the need to immortalize...

Monumento ai Caduti

San Giovanni d'Asso

The Fallen of GrandeGuerra:   Agnoletti Alfredo Anselmi Giulio Baglioni Emili...

Monumento ai Caduti

Monteroni d'Arbia

The Fallen of the Great War: Andreini Bramante Andreini Cesare Andreini Giulio And...

Monumento ai Caduti di Armaiolo

Rapolano Terme

Fallen in the War 1915 -18   Baccheschi Fustino Betti Bernardino Becatti ...

Monumento ai caduti di Chiusure


Brick covered structure on the front and sides of the travertine worked with architectural...

Monumento ai Caduti di Modanella

Rapolano Terme

The fallen in the First World War, 1915 - 18   Pomaranzi Marco Sergliacopi E...

Monumento ai Caduti di Montisi

San Giovanni d'Asso

The War Memorial of the First World War, inaugurated on October 2, 1921. In 1946 it was en...

Monumento ai caduti di Serre di Rapolano

Rapolano Terme

Description of the monument built inside the Chapel of the Square: Base with two side...

Monumento ai Partigiani caduti


Monument to the Partisans of Asciano and their fallen. Its shape is significant of what ha...

Monumento e lapide ai caduti

Rapolano Terme

National fighters and rebels Common of rapolan spa To his fallen in the war 15 - 18 ...

Mura di cinta del borgo


The still visible walls around Asiano date from 1234. They were built by the Siennese once...

Mura di cinta di Buonconvento


As its name suggests Buonconvento (‘good shelter’) has always been a stopping ...

P01 - Porta Senese o del Bianchi


The Porta Senese takes its name from the city to which it leads via the road called the La...

P02 - Porta Occidentale o Porta del Comune


Synthetic History 1342 - 1352 probable construction as it belongs to the third high circl...

P03 - Porticciola o Porta delle Fonti


It was a secondary access to the medieval village, opened near a washhouse outside the wal...

P04 - Porta Massini: resti


Porta Massini, also known as Porta Valdichiana, consisted of a massive square-shaped build...

P05 - Porta Orientale


Synthetic History 1342 - 1352 probable construction as it belongs to the third high circl...

Palazzo del Podesta'


This building, originally the biggest tower in the town walls, was for at least three cent...

Palazzo Gori Martini a Serre di Rapolano

Rapolano Terme

The Palace of Gori Martini is a nineteenth-century palace, which was built by the rich fam...

Palazzo Pretorio


Sulla via principale, al centro del piccolo borgo, si trova il trecentesco Palazzo Pretor...

Palazzo Spannocchi


The mansion Palazzo Spannocchi, in the Prato zone, sits where once the Loreto Way split in...

Palazzo Tolomei


The architecture of the Asciano residence of the Tolomei family is characterized by a trav...

Panca dei Prodotti Tipici Locali


This particular and small monument to local products, made of travertine, was conceived as...

Ponte del Garbo


The bridge over the Ombrone river connects Asciano with part of its territory along the an...

Porta dei Tintori

Rapolano Terme

he following year, the Municipality of Siena itself helped to build or rebuild what had be...

Porta di San Lorenzo a Serre di Rapolano

Rapolano Terme

Outside the church of Saint Catherine, after going down the stairs, there is the gate of S...

Porta di Sant'Andrea a Serre di Rapolano

Rapolano Terme

The Porta of Saint Andrea in Serre di Rapolano is so-called because from it you had to pas...

Porta Nuova e Piazza Matteotti

Rapolano Terme

The development of Rapolano in the second half of the 19th century is due to the construct...

Porta Sant'Antonio

Rapolano Terme

The Porta di Sant’Antonio is the second ancient gate that leads into the village of ...

Porta serraia a Serre di Rapolano

Rapolano Terme

The ancient door which leads to the Serraia valley eastwards is called Porta Serraia and i...

Refettorio Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore


The monastic refectory is one of the largest rooms in the Abbey, with a vaulted ceiling an...

Scultura: Ascensore

Rapolano Terme

Sculrura modern positioned in front of Porta Nuova, cantilevered over the territory of the...

Scultura: Cerchio d’acqua

Rapolano Terme

Sculrura modern placed in the middle of the roundabout on the main road north to Gunsmith....

Scultura: Colonna

Rapolano Terme

Sculrura modern Piazzone placed in front of the intersection, on the left coming from Port...

Scultura: Finestra sul Mondo

Rapolano Terme

Sculrura modern Piazzone placed in front of the intersection, on the left coming from Port...

Scultura: Fiore luminoso

Rapolano Terme

Sculrura modern positioned in front of Porta Nuova, cantilevered over the territory of the...

Scultura: Frammenti d’arte intorno al XX secolo

Rapolano Terme

Sculrura moderna collocata all'interno di Porta Nuova, sulla sinistra entrando verso piazz...

Scultura: Libertà sempre

Rapolano Terme

Sculrura modern placed on a small green space on the main road north, just beyond the gard...

Scultura: Piazza Iqbal Maschi

Rapolano Terme

Modern sculpture located in a secluded corner of the water park The author Mauro Berre...

Scultura: Porta dell’acqua

Rapolano Terme

Modern Sculrura placed at the entrance of the Water Park, in front of Terme Antica Quercio...

Site Transitoire


Monument in stone made by Jean Paul Philippe in 1993 and located at the junction of three ...

Spezieria - Farmacia dell'Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore


The Pharmacy, more specifically the Spezieria, was built together with the Abbey, leaning ...

T00 - Ex Torre Porcellotti


Recent inspections have highlighted the existence of a tower of which only a few traces re...

T01 - Torre della Peschiera


Synthetic Chronology 1287 likely construction at the same time as the second city wall 1...

T02 - Torre delle Vallesi


Etica Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 It is probable construction as it belongs to the t...

T03: Torre Palazzo del Podesta'


Etica Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 "construction of the tower - rampart on which...

T04: Torre delle Antiche Fonti


Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 likely construction as it belongs to the third circle of...

T05: Torre a est della demolita Porticciola


Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 It is probable construction as it belongs to the third h...

T06: Torre di Palazzo Tolomei


Brief Chronology 1342 – 1352  probable construction as it belongs to the thi...

T07 - Torre Hospitale di San Michele


Remains of the tower that protected the southernmost part of Palazzo Tolomei and the adjac...

T08: Torre di Sant'Agata


The tower, part of the fortification protecting the Pieve di Sant'Agata, was later inc...

T09: Ex Torre posteriore alla Pieve di Sant'Agata


The tower, part of the fortification protecting the Pieve di Sant'Agata, was later tra...

T10: Torre angolare grossa di sud-est


Synthetic Chronology 1342 - 1352 "probable construction of the bulwark - corner towe...

Terrazza Panoramica


After a retaining wall of friable travertine was built underneath the area around what was...

Torre civica della Mencia


The municipal tower is located ideally in the center of the new part of the town that was ...

Vicolo dei Baci


The production area of the Cocciaio was characterized by a series of parallel roads interc...

Villa La Rondinella


History of The villa was built by the will of Louis Xavier Ricci as from 1910 (date appea...

Archaeological Sites



Today the locality is reduced to a farmhouse consisting of two buildings, although until 1...

Campo Muri

Rapolano Terme

The Etruscan-Roman Thermal Complex in Campo Muri dates back to the third century BC. It wa...

Ex borgo di Montalceto


MONTALCETO, or MONTE ALCETO, castle in the now destroyed Ombrone Valley, of which remain s...

M00 - Reticolo corsi d'acqua dei Mulini medioevali


The Bestina River rises near Serre di Rapolano and runs for about 7 kilometers, ending nea...

M01 - Molinuzzo - Antico Mulino


This was the first mill that exploited the water of the Bestina, just below the confluence...

M02 - La Cornacchia - Antico Mulino


Of this mill, of which only ruins remain and the evident trace of the large feeding mill, ...

M03 - La Torre di sopra - Antico Mulino


Of all the mills of Asciano, this is the only one located inside a fortified structure. A ...

M04 - La Torre di sotto - Antico Mulino


This Mill, together with that of the Tower above, is located relatively far from the water...

M05 - Antico Mulino del Palazzo


This mill is probably one of the oldest and has always been connected to the adjacent Pala...

M06 - Antico Mulino della Commenda


The Mulino della Commenda, also known as the "Mulino dello Spedale di San Giovanni&qu...

M07 - Antico Mulino dei Preti


The structure related to the Mill of the Priests has peculiar characteristics, representin...

M08 - Antico Mulino dei Lanci o di Nannino


The strange name with which this mill is known, derives from one of the families that over...

M09 - Antico Mulino dei Frati


This mill, located under the one of the Lanci, has undergone various production evolutions...

M10 - Antico Mulino del Comune di sopra


The existence of this mill is not certain enough, so much so as to question its existence,...

M11 - Antico Mulino del Comune di sotto


This mill, collective property of the local community, was the last in the chain of all th...


Rapolano Terme

Around the 9th century it was the seat of a Longobard garrison, located at the highest poi...

Mosaico Villa Romana


In 1899 construction work begun by the owners Francini Naldi uncovered a Roman mosaic that...

Mulino Fortificato

Monteroni d'Arbia

In the town of Monteroni d'Arbia a beautiful fortified mill dating back to the first h...

Necropoli Etrusca di Poggio Pinci


La necropoli etrusca di Poggio Pinci, ubicata in prossimità del corso di un torren...

Necropoli Etrusca di Poggio Pinci: Tomba III


Subrettangolare plan room, with entrance passage open to the south. northeast corner of th...

Pieve di Pava

San Giovanni d'Asso

The first written mention of the church in 714 and 715 will have on documents relating to ...



Torrentino was a fairly large castle, strategically located near an important ford of the ...

Tumulo del Molinello


The discovery of this important Etruscan burial area dates back to 1953, when the farmer o...


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